Wednesday, February 28, 2007

What February 2007 left us

The death of one of our favorite actresses:

Eddie Murphy failed to win an Oscar playing a washed up singer. He was not acting:

And obviously, Predator:

Monday, February 26, 2007

24 = 80

I just finished watching season 5 of 24, and besides the usual excitement each time Jack Bauer says "Right now, that man its the only lead/chance to get us to the terrorists/nuclear warheads/conspiracy/(insert bad guy's name)" and then he tortures the living hell out of him, it was satisfying to see that this season got me reacquainted to quite a few 80s icons, who profited from a second coming on prime time TV. They had to wait 15 years for their fellow 80s friend, probably the only cool one, to give them a hand and bring them back to the spotlight:

1. Peter Weller

In 24: One of those tortured bad guys, Christopher Henderson
Better known as: Robocop
So 80s: In the movie, the innovation mecca is, of all places, Detroit. The ending is at some abandoned industrial plant.
Trivia: The bad guy in the movie is Red Forman. He never got to stick his foot up the cyborg's ass.

2. Sean Astin

In 24: Lynn Mc Gill, an obnoxious CTU agent
Better known as: The main Goonie (and recently, Samwise Gamgee)
So 80s: Cindy Lauper soundtrack, Corey Feldman, the Sloth, dorky character steals the girl from the bully, latina maid, dumpbells, bandana, redhaired girl, etc.
Trivia: He was in a movie with Kirk Cameron, where, in 80s style, Cameron exchanges souls with his father.

3. C. Thomas Howell

In 24: Kim Bauer's boyfriend, a therapist
Better known as: Monroe Clark, playing beach volleyball in Side Out, or the guy that picks up the Hitcher, or the guy that disguises as a black man to get into college in Soul Man
So 80s: Beach volleyball
Trivia: His boss in Side Out was none other than Bernie.

4. Julian Sands

In 24: Vladimir Bierko, another bad guy
Better known as: Warlock, the sorcerer
So 80s: Bites the tongue off one of his victims and then spits it on a frying pan.
Trivia: In one absurd movie, Boxing Helena, he's so obsessed with a woman, he cuts off her legs and arms so that she doesn't run off. He was also the pimp in Leaving Las Vegas.

All this, of course, in addition to Jack Bauer himself, who shared considerable 80s screen mojo with none other than the Coreys, Charlie Sheen, Emilio Estevez, Lou Diamond Phillips, Kevin Bacon, Christian Slater, Michael J. Fox, River Phoenix, and of course, the one that left him one day before the wedding, Ms. Julia Roberts.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Y es verdad, soy un payaso

Me encontre esta joya en El Tiempo:

Cirqueros marcharon por las calles de Bogotá para reclamar por crimen de payasos

Tomaron parte unos 50 arlequines, acróbatas, malabaristas, domadores y demás artistas.

Entretanto, el comandante de la policía Norte de Santander, departamento fronterizo con Venezuela dijo a la AP en diálogo telefónico que sus hombres adelantan ''intensas investigaciones a fin de dar con los autores materiales del hecho''.

Aseguró que la comunidad donde se encuentra levantada la carpa ''ha sido muy hermética. A eso se ha sumado la escasa asistencia a la función nocturna'', lo que ha provocado dificultades en la investigación.

Los dos payasos, ataviados con su maquillaje y disfrazados, fueron atacados a tiros en la mitad de su espectáculo el martes en la noche en un circo al que asistían algunos niños y otro público en la ciudad de Cúcuta.

En la protesta, los actores coreaban al unísono ''justicia a los asesinos de la risa''.

Un colega de los artistas asesinados en declaraciones al telenoticiero RCN dijo: ''aunque tengo mi alma herida tengo que hacer reír, con mi risa afligida tengo muchas penas que ocultar''.

La Policía dijo que no tiene pistas respecto a los motivos por los que Willington Villamizar, conocido como ''Rony'', y Nelson Núñez, conocido en las carpas circenses como Andrés, fueron atacados.

Durante otros espectáculos, los actores y sus audiencias guardaron un minuto de silencio en memoria de los payasos muertos.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Los Garbage

Before people talked about Dungeons and Dragons, before Mario and Luigi were popular, before Max Caiman tried to save the earth, these cute lovable characters where the real deal for high school kids.

First, the amount of cards you had were a measure of how cool you were (or rather how rich). Usually, the cool / rich guy in your class had a lot of them, emphasizing his frequent trips to the States. Of course, you had to be friends with the guy so that you would get one of those Hugh Mongous or Jelly Nelly cards.

Second, in some akward 80s rich kids school logic, if you had Garbage Pail Kids you were bad, you were looking for trouble. No need for a switchblade, having a Garbage made you the boss (we have to remember this was the era where being bad meant dancing your ass off in leather on some subway station). The cards were so dangerous that they were banned from my school. I am sure some of our permanent records still say "Garbage Pail Kids dealer".

On a lighter side, it seems difficult to remember that these cards were originally an add-on for buying gum. Or that at some point there was a sticker collection (el popular album de los Garbage).

In truth, you look at them now and they still seem cool. It is not only the catchy and smart names, it is also the fact that the most hideous Garbage was the original Cabagge Patch Kid. The success of this doll was as bizarre as the 90s popularity of Tickle Me Elmo, the king of fruitcakes, and the Garbage Pail Kids nailed perfectly this stupidity.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Ta buena

Ahi si como dicen, como se mueve esa jedionda. Menos mal canto mas de la mitad en espanol, aunque eso dejo a los franceses perdidos.

Don't bother:

Ciega sordomuda:

Lo que hace uno de colombiano cuando vive afuera.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Personaje del dia

Como este no es un dia anglosajon, se escribe en español.

Esta es la descripcion de este querido personaje, favorito de chicos y grandes, en Wikipedia:

Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian .
Height: 6'1" - 6'5". (est)[1] [2]
Weight: 250 lbs. (est)[3]
Location: Camp Crystal Lake
Weapon of Choice: Machete

Datos curiosos:

Kevin Bacon salio en la primera parte (hence, another degree)
George Mc Fly (el papa de Calvin Klein) sale en la cuarta, y en esa misma Corey Feldman (adivinar cual de los dos es) mata a Jason, volviendolo, literalmente, "papilla"
El malo de Ghost sale en la sexta.
En Jason takes Manhattan, solo como quince minutos son en la Gran Manzana.
David Cronenberg, el director de Crash, sale en Jason X (WTF?)
En la primera pelicula, el asesino no es Jason, es la mama.
El libertinaje del campo de verano en Crystal Lake alimento todos nuestros sueños de algun dia ir a un campo de verano gringo.
La musica que suena cada vez que Jason aparece dice Kill, kill, kill.
La mejor victima de Jason ha sido Ernest Bornigne, por andar sin su navaja suiza.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Invierno en Madrid

You need some sense of humor to appreciate these pictures:

Arrogancia europea vs. arrogancia latina

Gana la arrogancia latina claro esta. Aparte del taquito y el gol de Saviola, muy poco para rescatar. Trezeguet, la misma mentira de siempre. Anelka, como es logico, entro a calentar el ambiente. Lo unico realmente que hace que valga la pena ir al Stade de France es el estadio en si mismo, y la ya popular camiseta tamano Ivan Mejia Alvarez en las tribunas:

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Un éxito del mundo

Varios comentarios:

  • Como me hace de falta la perubolica
  • Marbelle es toda una dama en comparacion
  • Yo creo que es un montaje tipo Milli Vanilli, y la verdadera cantante es Alicita de Rojas
  • Lo que la Iglesia llevaba 30 años tratando de hacernos entender lo logro una peruana en traje de aerobics leopardo montando en una chalupa: corrige tus errores y veras un nuevo amancecer.
  • Claro esta que el nuevo amanecer debe consistir de una lady tarzanesca en bikini, un caballo, agite de nalgas y, obviamente, un sexy aruñado de tigresa.
  • Propongo que la tigresa y the Hoff hagan un duo: the Hoff puede aparecer a lo Guardianes de la Bahia, pelo en pecho of course, en plena selva peruana con la tigresa, dandole al Uga Chaca Uga Chaca Uga Uga Chaca Chaca.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

2 de febrero - Dia de la marmota

Como un asiduo lector lo sugirio, es un crimen dejar pasar esta fecha sin hacerle un homenaje a semejante clasico:

Pido disculpas por la imperdonable omision.